1John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Spy

I spy with my little eye, seven well behaved children tromping their way to the bus stop this morning.  It is common knowledge between us all that we play "I Spy" along the way.

We have on several occasions "spied" deer, crows, squirrels, geese, ducks, slugs, caterpillars, and spider webs.  This morning we saw our squirrel, Chippy.  At least, we think this was our squirrel.  He was fat like the one that shows up begging at the back door every day.  How fun to see him away from the house too.

 We also "spied" a tree that was waving. 

 While we wait at the bus stop, someone usually "spies" the elephant in the woods.  Can you spot him?
I was most happy to spy a tiny bit of blue sky.  Maybe we'll spy some sunshine today. :)