1John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

TV Time

I'll admit it, I'm a fan of television.  It bugs me that it gets frowned upon by some moms.  I remember watching cartoons when I was a kid, and I want these kids to remember that as well.  This group of kids works very hard five days a week at my house.  They are always learning.  Time for some mindless television and popcorn.  It's part of being a kid.  Doing 'nothing'.  It sparks the imagination later- as on the day this picture was taken, they watched  a classic Winnie The Pooh cartoon, and later played it all out in their imaginations in the play room.  This morning the kids were cold after our walk to the bus in the wet air.  Someone brought the movie 'Tangled', so they are now cozied up in blankets and watching it.  (Excellent movie, by the way.  I'd watch it again even without the kiddos.) 


  1. I agree with you Nicole. Love this post.

  2. I agree as well! It also gives mom some sanity! I plop Lucy in front of the tv in the morning so I can get ready. I think I finally don't have any guilt over it :)

  3. I agree with you also Nicole!
