1John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Books And Bats

We have been having some beautiful storms here in Western Washington!  Even the cats have been paying attention to them.   I am in mourning a little this morning because my arbor blew over and snapped a beautiful vine that had really taken off over the summer.  That's what we get for forgetting to anchor it down.  I'm sure it will grow back.  Meanwhile, a lot of people around us have been losing power on and off.  It brings out my "need to feed" people.  I'm not sure if I should risk baking with the winds blowing the way they have been.  We haven't lost power yet!
Tomorrow is officially October!  I got out my Halloween books for group time.  Books are amazing- they teach the kids and keep them engaged.  I can see their minds working as we progress through the stories- they are completely off in book imagination land. 
I love pop-up books!  The rule in our house is that the pop up books are only for grown ups to read to the kids.  This way they don't get destroyed, and we can enjoy them year after year. 
Here's a quick side note- it is fun to create the ABC's out of pretzel sticks.   The kids love to have these for snack.  The whole time they are calling me over to show me what letter they created. 
I prepared these pieces for art Friday.  Friday is usually our review day.  
They colored and glued 2 bats.  I think they all have the number 2 and the letter Bb memorized. 
♥♥♥Happy Monday!♥♥♥

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