1John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Cut, Glue, Write & Color

This is the norm on mornings when we have toast or banana bread.  "Did your cheeks get hungry and take a bite?" I usually ask.  "Yeah!"  Sometimes the shirt takes a bite, too.  Breakfast is the best.  They come to see me so I can wash their cheeks off.  These cheeks were so peanut buttery that I just had to snap a photo. ♥
I gave the kids a worksheet about the letter Tt.  My goal was to stand back and let them do it all by themselves.  I drew an orange line along the place that I wanted to see them cut.  The kids are doing a great job handling the scissors once they get them in the correct position.   I gently help them flip their hand over.  The most common mistake is when they hold the scissors as shown above.
I decided that even if the kids went off of the line, I was backing off.  
The next step for them was to glue the two pieces onto a piece of paper.  
The next step was to write their names.  I did not correct or help them.  (It's hard for me because I am a control freak.)  Some letters were missing, but in reality, this is FANTASTIC for a child this age to write this much of his name.  Sometimes I realize that my standards are high.  But are they really?  I don't believe that any age is too young to learn.  Besides, they are enjoying it.
Glue glue glue.  
When they finished tracing and writing their own letter Tt's, they colored the pictures of things that start with t.
Out we went.  "Miss Nicole!  We have to show you something!"  They found a baby pumpkin plant.  Our large pumpkin didn't break down, but we did throw several Jack-Be-Little pumpkins in the garden that DID break down.  We fertilized and watered the baby pumpkin plant.  We then found ANOTHER one.  A slug ate it last night.  We will protect the other one by placing a cup over it to keep it away from the slugs at night.  Good eyes, kids!!  They are concerned that there are weeds in this plot.
It's a great place to look for small bugs, too.  
Look at this unique tulip that is getting ready to bloom.  I love the ruffly petals.
♥♥♥Happy Wednesday!♥♥♥

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