1John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Shadow Play

"Look at that glowing orb in the sky!  I wonder what that could be?"  The kids were standing around in the sunshine yesterday and noticed that their shadows had returned.
"Look!  My shadow is copying me."
"It's my FINGER!"
They were realizing that although they could see their shadow, they could not see their facial expressions.
I told them that maybe if they REALLY belt out their funniest faces, MAYBE we could see it in the shadows. LOL.
They tried to get their shadows to hold hands.  It was too confusing.
Meanwhile, my heart is kind of breaking!  I'm downsizing at Henle House because Adam will not be around as my helper come May 13th.  He has an emergency job to fall into, but is still searching for a long term opportunity.  It is so hard for in-home childcare businesses to BUILD a clientele, and to have to send some away hurts my soul.  I love these kids.   I do, however, trust that God knows what He is doing and I have an incredible peace about the whole thing.  If you need to know that peace, give me a call and we can get together and chat.
 ♥♥♥Happy Wednesday!♥♥♥

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