1John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Nature Hunt

We each had a paper lunch sack with our name written on it.  The goal was to gather things that God created.  It was nature hunt time!  We explored parts of the park that we hadn't seen before.
Hands were reaching. 
We were really noticing the plants and seeds that we found.
Bags were filling up. 
The woods offered even more variety for the picking.  It was a great day of exploration and trying to imagine how God created these things.
Look!  I had my ducks in a row. (ha ha ha..)
We dumped our bag contents out on the table to get a better look.  It turned out that we had escorted one slug, 10 spiders, a long leggy bug, and 3 aphids home with us. 
Time to get out the magnifying glasses! 
A nature hunt is a great way to keep the kids busy for a bit.  We pretended to be scientists.  Happy Wednesday! ♥♥♥

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