I love the honesty in a child. I'll never forget when Stephanie, age 3, came to sit next to me on a porch step. I scooted over for her. She said I needed to scoot over because "you have a BIG hiney." LOL ! Here are some more interesting bits of information from some of the kids. I'll keep them anonymous this time.. except for my own.
3 year old boy, "My mom has a friend. He stays the night sometimes." (She was single...)
6 year old girl, "My mom's been going through a lot of guys these days." Geesh!!!
6 year old girl, I asked the group,"Does anyone know what it means to obey?" She replied,"It means do what your mom says before she yells." ☺
Adam got hot fire sauce from Taco Bell. He asked the kids if they wanted some. He told them, " It'll put hair on your chest!" Ethan responded, "You put THAT on your CHEST?" LOL
6 year old girl, "Me and my mom are both wearing leopard underwear." I could die laughing about this.
The kids have learned to pray to God about whatever is going on in their minds. So at lunch time a couple of weeks ago, my son, age 5, prayed," Dear Lord, thank you for this day. We are having hot dogs for lunch. Hot dogs are shaped like weiners. Amen." I am sure God smiled at that one.. ♥♥♥
Your son is HILARIOUS!!!