1John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Eleven Hearts

We painted hearts yesterday.  Tuesday is usually our numbers day, so we painted 11 of them.
I was thinking that I could just trace eleven hearts onto one paper and then run that through my printer, but I just realized that this printer isn't wide enough to print on construction paper. (-.-)  In the end I just traced hearts like a crazy person so that everyone had a page of eleven hearts.
I told them that they could paint the hearts however they would like to, but I encouraged them to paint in the lines of each heart. 
Some filled them in with all of the colors.♥
One drew some awesome faces. :)
One worked on some abstract painting. I love the way these all turned out!  
I'm thankful for the art wall in the winter.  It really brightens my day! 
I have one little guy here this morning.  All three of my own kids are at the dentist (Praise the Lord- thank you!) and I don't know what to do with myself! Where's the noise?  What now? It always makes me think of the ad "Where my kids at? Where my kids at?" See below. LOL  
♥♥♥Happy Wednesday!♥♥♥

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