1John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God.

Friday, September 27, 2013

A Visit To Adam

Since Adam has a working car again,  Henle House has the freedom to be mobile!  I had two little ones for the morning and decided we should get out and about.  We took a trip to see Adam at Builder's Millwork in Everett.  I hadn't seen the shop yet.   The kids were excited about the BIG space and were surprised to see Adam. :)
Fuzzy photo, but they really liked the "wheels".   They spent a minute or two running their hands over them.
It was a quick visit, but it was sure nice to get out of the house!  
Yesterday we worked on tracing the lines. :)
She's getting the hang of holding the crayon correctly.  I cannot believe it's FRIDAY.  This week has flown by- I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
♥♥♥Happy Friday!♥♥♥

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