1John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

All In A Day

We had a very busy day yesterday, it was great!
 The kids enjoyed playing with the connectors and straws during our morning free play time.
Time passed by quickly!
We got out the dress up clothes for a bit.
 We managed to work on and complete some spring windsocks for art!
They were abandoned as the kids ran outside to play. ♥
Adam ran a borrowed rototiller through the veggie garden for me.  That is always exciting for me!  I now have something to do outside, sift and rake out all of those pesky weeds. 
Smudge has been catching mice and gifting them to the baby kitty. We know it is him doing the catching because Petra will not go past the fence yet.  He has been pretty generous with her lately.  So sweet!  She plays with the catch for as long as I let her before I have to dispose of it. (Yuck.)  
What a good beast that Smudge is. ♥
♥♥♥Happy Thursday!♥♥♥

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