Here's my son, (remember, he NEVER wears a shirt) with his ladybug puppet.
I love Oriental Trading and order art kits and supplies online when I need some ideas or some simple crafts that don't require much preparation. Always check the clearance- I probably purchased the ladybug kits for $1.99 for a set of 12. We decided to add google eyes and sticks so they could be used as puppets.
How about some bunnies? I found this idea online, and I'm sorry I can't locate the link again. We learned the oval shape yesterday, so the bunny bodies were ovals. Then each child had their hand traced and cut out, and then folded down two fingers and a thumb to create the bunny head. Kids drew on the eyes and mouth, and I encouraged them to decorate the eggs.
Look who has been hanging out inside lately? Even with all of the kids around. You can read about his regular routine here. He is on my lap as I am typing this. Happy Thursday! ☼ (If I type the symbol of sunshine, maybe it will come out?) ☼☼
What a fun place you have! Sure wish you lived closer to me, I would send everyone I know to you!!