1John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Free Day

I didn't like the worksheet I had planned for yesterday.  I was also feeling sluggish and, well, slightly off.  It is days like that when I realize that it would be helpful to have an assistant.  The rain was pouring down, we were all inside for most of the day.  The noise level was rising.. consistently...  
I got out some activities.  The kids had a free day!  They LOVE free day, and I usually feel guilty about free days.  I guess I have to remember that I am not a machine, and those "off" days will happen.  I grabbed my favorite distractions for the kids.  Above is the Pop Up Pirate game.  It's perfect for 3-5 year olds.
In the living room, a giant floor puzzle waited for the kids.  They spent most of the morning working on it.  
My "off" day continued into late afternoon, and I got out the Rush Hour game for the school age boys.   Everyone kept busy!  Things are back "on" this morning.  It is already a beautiful Spring day and the ducks have been here for breakfast.
♥♥♥Happy Thursday!♥♥♥

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