1John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

"Our" Ducks Followed Us Home!

Look what happened this morning!  We were heading down the hill from the bus stop in the park, and our friendly ducks appeared.  I wondered if they were the two ducks who usually visit us at the house, because they ran right up to us. We just paused , said hello, and then marched along the path on our way back to the house.  We heard some quacking coming from behind us.  The ducks were following us home!!
Well, ok!  I called out to them the way that I usually do, "Come on, duck ducks!"  They waddled along.  Girl duck led the way, and boy duck followed her.  (I really had my ducks in a row this time!)
They didn't stop at all, and eventually came right over to the path to follow us all the way.
 I took a quick video.  Not sure if it will upload correctly, it was playing sideways on the computer.
Adam is working at home today and I called him to see if he would put some bread outside for us.  The kids fed the ducks.  "Our " ducks.
I'm glad they recognized us!
Here they were last Spring.  They had a friend with them.  They were pretty bossy and came right up to the back door for some bread.  I love them!
They just ate the bread and quacked about it the whole time.  The crows gathered on the power lines above to clean up any leftovers. Look at our horrible driveway. (Sigh.) Some year, when we get rich, we will pour a new one.
Saying goodbye to the ducks.  They waddled across the street.
Yesterday we worked on a simple project.  Ll is for lacing.
I taped the end of the yarn for smooth lacing.
They each colored a plate and laced the yarn around it's edge.
The finished project!
Out we went, into the sunshine.  It's been beautiful! (I'm still cold, though.)  The Wisteria looks nice after it's pruning several weeks ago. 
♥♥♥Happy Tuesday!♥♥♥

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