1John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Cousin Rivalry

The kids created scenes using ovals.  I asked them afterward to tell me about their art and wrote down what each picture was.  I didn't take very many photos!  (AGAIN!)
Lunch as usual!  Our day moved forward.
Early evening rolled around and the kids had created their own little obstacle course.
Here is our youngest child Aiden, racing his cousin Alexis.  They have been exhibiting cousin rivalry for most of their lives!  Alexis was my first enrolled child at Henle House.  I sure miss having her around!  She came over to play yesterday. My how these two have grown.  Aiden is really competitive-- I can already see the worry setting in on his face because he knows that Alexis is really fast!
She took the lead!! 
He was sure she "cheated".  She didn't-- he just has a hard time losing.
 Aaaaw-- look that them all!  This was right around the time we were purchasing our home, which is now Henle House.  We stayed with Adam's parents for over a month. My babies were so young! 
A trip to the church park.  How nice that I had Adam at home. 
One of our first field trips- we went to the pumpkin patch with Ethan's preschool class.  Aiden was pretty serious in this shot.
Off they go- probably to battle it out.  Spiderman style.
I still cannot believe how fast time is flying.  This was 5 years ago!
I found this-- so fun!!  The kids created that scarecrow to protect their pumpkins.  I remember this bunch!!  
Ha ha-- I found this and had to share.  We've all had a screaming child in the grocery store before, right?  Aiden was screaming and there was an employee stocking shelves and re-applying stickers.  He gave Aiden this sticker.  He was so proud of it! He was 2.  I just had to share.
♥♥♥Happy Thursday!♥♥♥

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