1John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Doodle Painting

 This is one step up from free painting.  Just draw some doodles on the paper for the kids to paint!
It encourages them to use different colors, and I love to see colorful art.♥
Aiden traced his doodles before filling them in with paint.
This little guy worked diligently, paying special attention to painting in the lines.
I think we have a Picasso, here!
Have I ever mentioned how much I love Crayola paint? (Um, yes, I think 100 times.)  The colors are so vibrant, and it just washes off of everything. I LOVE it.
It took a little bit of time because we used Q-Tips to paint with.  See how beautiful?
Each one was unique. ♥
Meanwhile, it looks like yesterday was our last day of sun for a while.  It's so dark this morning.  Raining with a little bit of thunder.  I'm glad I took the time to poke around the gardens yesterday.. I found a chick blooming from a tree stump.♥
There were now TWO little fuzzy caterpillars on the gourd vine.. How cute!
The apple tree is heavy with growing fruit.   I can't wait to get some of it into the dehydrator!  
♥♥♥Happy Friday!♥♥♥

Song for today is "I'm Free" by Kenny Loggins. 80s flashback.♫

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