1John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Be Yourself

It's been a few days because we had a very busy weekend.  It sparked a thought though- we were all dressed up for a wedding Saturday and everyone was fussing about the clothes.  I immediately thought about the daycare- (when am I NOT thinking about the daycare?) and how there are some people who don't like the kids to get dirty.  How hard that must be.  I am blessed with my clients as far as that goes.  That has not always been the case...   The past experiences prompted me to add to my paperwork something along the lines of, "Don't bring your child in clothing that you don't want wet or dirty."   Kids get dirty.  Plain and simple.  I do not stop them.  It's part of being a kid.
So here is Aiden, in his handsome shirt and tie, rolling down the hill.  He had to do it.
Roll until your heart is content!  I was so happy Stephanie captured it with the camera.  She's a budding photographer.
For goodness' sake- let your child roll!  Tie or not!
Look who I startled yesterday!  (Click the photo to get a better look.)  I was looking at the garden and froze when I realized I wasn't alone.  Mama deer was less than pleased to see me, but she understood I wasn't going to harm her when I just stood there for a bit.  I realized why she was so nervous- she had two fawns with her!  Aren't they adorable?   Happy Monday everyone, today will be a sunny 75 and we are getting out the pools and throwing the schedule out the window.  ☼

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